Biomass Process & Fuel Fans
Biomass fuel processing is a high-energy and capital-intensive industry that requires several types of NYB fans. The process involves drying of feedstocks, fermenting of the processed organic materials, separation of the product components and energy recovery systems. The chemical processing develops several volatile organic compounds that are captured and treated. The storage areas for the ethanol product involve transfer and safety systems which require additional fan equipment. Additional fans are required in the recovery boiler area where steam is generated for process consumption.
By carrying the most comprehensive line of products, NYB is able to engineer individual, customized solutions for any application in the Ethanol industry. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials, or contact us to request a quote for industrial ethanol fans.
Design Features: | Heat Fan Construction |
Available Materials of Construction: | Mild Steel |
Applications : | Scrubbers |
Fan Designs: |