Pollution Control Blowers
Capture and control of emissions are accomplished by creating air movement. Every type of fan design can be used to move air through a filter or process scrubber. The fans can be installed on the clean side of the capture/destruction device which calls for high-efficiency, minimum-power consumption designs. Dirty air fans for capture/destruction devices would require more rugged-duty industrial designs. These capture devices can be designed for continuous operation or shut down regularly for cleaning. Occasionally, the air is corrosive or contains gases that require special fan construction to resist wear. NYB offers several designs.
The New York Blower Company offers literally thousands of different types, models and sizes of air-movement equipment that can be customized and tailored to your specific application. See the chart below for a list of recommended fan designs, materials and features for pollution control use, or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features: | Bearings and motors isolated from the process. Shaft seals with ceramic felt elements. |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel |
Fan Designs: | Class I-III SWSI |