
Industrial Fan Replacement Parts

To order replacement parts from another manufacturer, contact our Aftermarket Services department. For nyb fans, follow the instructions below.

Industrial Fans Replacement parts can be ordered online, by phone, or via email. You will need to reference the shop number when ordering. Instructions on how to find the shop number are listed below.

ONLINE- All replacement parts and components can be purchased online starting January 2, 2019 

Order Replacements Parts


PHONE- All replacement parts can be ordered directly by calling your local representative or calling one of our Aftermarket Sales Team members at 844-692-7375.

EMAIL- Use the form located at the bottom of the page to email your request. A representative will contact you within 48 hours.

Some industrial fan replacement parts that are offered are:

  • Housing
  • Inlet Cone
  • Inlet Assembly
  • Wheels
  • Shaft
  • Bearings
  • Motor
  • Drive
  • Safety Equipment

How to Locate Shop Numbers on Nameplates

Please note that all NYB products include a nameplate that displays details of the fan at the time of its manufacture. Nameplates are typically located on the fan's bearing pedestal (or on the housing side if no pedestal is part of the design). A nameplate includes a "Shop Number" which is in essence the serial number of the fan. 


New nameplate design (orders shipped after January 2013)

manufacturing nameplate

Old nameplate design (orders shipped prior to January 2013)

 Old nameplate design (orders shipped prior to January 2013)


Old nameplate design (orders shipped prior to March 2001)

Old nameplate design (orders shipped prior to March 2001)

To request NYB replacement parts, please fill out the form below. For a faster response, include the shop number in your request.

Replacement Parts Quote Request