Industrial Blowers for Process Heating
Pushing or pulling air through heating coils or across any other type of heater is a primary function of fans. Combustion air blowers for boilers and process heaters require pulsation-free stable air flow to keep the burner controls constant. Oven and furnace fans require long life with special attention to bearing life and mechanical reliability. Boiler applications, fired heaters and dryers for chemical process installations all require the same reliability. These are critical applications of NYB products. NYB knows how to provide the best industrial fans & blowers for process heating for your application.
The New York Blower Company offers literally thousands of different types, models and sizes of air-movement equipment that can be customized and tailored to your specific application. See the chart below for a list of recommended fan designs, materials and features for process heating use, or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features: | Bearings and motors isolated from the process. Shaft seals with ceramic felt elements. |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel |
Fan Designs: | Plug Fans |