
Airfoil Blade Custom Fans

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A complete line of high efficiency airfoil blade designs with a specific speed range – 12,000 to 80,000. Because of the aerodynamic airfoil-blades, these fans offer the highest efficiency with the lowest sound levels. They are best suited for clean dry air applications, such as pneumatic conveying, product drying, product cooling, supply air and exhaust on the clean-side of dust collection systems.

Wheel Design: Backward Inclined - High Pressure Airfoil
Wheel Design

backward inclined high pressure airfoil wheel design

Backward Inclined – High Pressure Airfoil: Wheels best suited for applications requiring high capacity, high efficiency, and high pressures. 

Design Features:

VOLUME - over 1,000,000 CFM (1,699,010 m3/hr)
PRESSURES - to 60"WG (14,930 Pa)
TEMPERATURES - standard up to 1,800°F (983°C)
SIZES - ranging from 12"-150" (305mm-3810mm)

ARRANGEMENTS- 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Available Materials of Construction:

Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel
Special Alloys

Fan-to-Size Online:


Online Drawings:


Applications :

Combustion air
Fluidized systems
Oven recirculation
Pneumatic conveying
Product drying
Process cooling
Solvent recovery
Supply and exhaust air
Thermal oxidation

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