Oil Mist Industrial Blowers
Oil mist emissions are the result of machining and forming operations in manufacturing plants. Metal plants and industrial engine plants produce the same emissions; a messy aerosol that is going to contaminate other processes unless collected. Simple exhaust systems with pad-type filters or electrostatic precipitators will collect the oil mist. The fans must be spark-proof and material-handling designs. If the oil mist is corrosive, the special materials of construction for the fans and duct system must be protected. NYB makes oil mist industrial fans & blowers in several alloys with special coatings and FRP construction available.
The New York Blower Company offers literally thousands of different types, models and sizes of air-movement equipment that can be customized and tailored to your specific application. See the chart below for a list of recommended fan designs, materials and features for oil mist collection, or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features: | Bearings and motors isolated from the process. Shaft seals with ceramic felt elements. |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel |
Fan Designs: | Class I-III SWSI |