Furnaces for Iron & Steel Industry
Fans are designed and constructed for metals and mineral systems applications ranging from basic ore production to finished products. The extreme process conditions necessary to produce metal products require rugged and application-specific fans at every stage. New York Blower offers products for these processes including combustion system fans; pre-heat, waste-gas, and scrubber fans, along with baghouse and fume exhaust fans. Fans for BOP and BOF scrubbers, steam exhaust systems on quench and caster lines, pickling fume exhaust, and furnaces in re-heat and forge shops are regularly supplied by NYB.
By carrying the most comprehensive line of products, NYB is able to engineer individual, customized solutions for any application in the Iron and Steel industry. Our high-quality fans and blowers are the trusted choice in a number of key vertical markets, while also covering a wide spectrum of specific requirements for a variety of niche businesses. See the chart below for typical design features and available materials, or contact us to request a quote for combustion systems and furnaces.
Design Features: | FRP Construction |
Available Materials of Construction: | Special Alloy Construction |
Applications : | Forced Draft |
Fan Designs: | Steel Making |