Pickling Industrial Blowers
Pickling is a process most often used in the steel industry. Customers specify this treatment for specific service requirements. NYB makes a wide variety of pickling industrial fans & blowers in many materials to accomplish this task. From the simplest exhaust hood with a fan to a complex scrubber system, NYB can help with the necessary process fans. When pickling produces fumes that are corrosive, the materials of construction for the fans and duct system must be protected. NYB makes fans in several alloys with special coatings and FRP construction available.
The New York Blower Company offers literally thousands of different types, models and sizes of air-movement equipment that can be customized and tailored to your specific application. See the chart below for a list of recommended fan designs, materials and features for pickling use, or contact us to request a quote.
Design Features: | Bearings and motors isolated from the process. Shaft seals with ceramic felt elements. |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel |
Fan Designs: | Duct Fans |