For the past decade, we have been focused on continually expanding our Vaneaxial product lines. Our most recent expansions are to the Vaneaxial Fans, which can be designed with reduced solidity (6 blades instead of 12), an adjustable pitch design (adjustments can be made to blade angles at rest), and multiple hub to blade ratio's for increase performance and selection flexibility. Our online selection software automatically will select the most efficient vaneaxial fans for your specific application requirements.
Wheel Design: | Axial - Airfoil
Wheel Design
Axial- Airfoil: Cast-aluminum airfoil wheels are designed to optimize operating efficiency by adjusting the shape, number, and pitch of blades with hub diameters.
Design Features: | VOLUME - to 120,000 CFM(203,000 m3/hr) PRESSURES - to 20" WG (4,980 Pa) TEMPERATURES - to 120°F (50°C) DRIVE - Belt and Direct |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel Aluminum |
Similar Products | Vaneaxial Fans |