NYB Type HP Pressure Blowers are designed for high-pressure, industrial-process applications. All applications can be handled in either induced-draft or forced-draft configurations. Numerous modifications and accessories make the Type HP Pressure Blower suitable for a wide range of systems.
Wheel Design: | Radial-High Pressure
Wheel Design
Radial-High Pressure: Aluminum or steel wheels available for lower volume, higher pressure applications. |
Design Features: | VOLUME - to 20,000 CFM (34,000 m3/hr) |
Available Materials of Construction: | Carbon Steel |
Product Bulletin: | Type HP Pressure Blowers (481) |
Guide Specifications: | Specifying Type HP Pressure Blowers (GS-481) |
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual: | IM-140 |
Material Specifications: | HPPB_Dims.pdf |
Similar Products | Pressure Blowers (For Lower Pressures and Volumes) |
Fan-to-Size Online: | |
Online Drawings: |